*note, the lesbians pictured may not necassarily be the lesbians who attack you when you make a flippant comment about Portia & Ellen on a youtube comment page... and also, the lesbians pictured may not be lesbians, but probably were skewered by Bryan Ferry*
Anyway, it would be lovely and probably easier for me if I just dredge up memories of my glory days as a blogger. Like the time I claimed that this picture, the result of a cartoon in a danish newspaper...

would look more like the following picture if a group of muslims were unwittingly sold danish bacon...

But Islam isn't relevant anymore because the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq has ended, democracy is restored and the Berlin Wall has come down.
although this does bare the hallmarks of one of those episodes of Friends or the Simpsons which have been cut together out of the 'best bits' of previous episodes... instead of indulging in anymore nostalgia, I'll just post this link so that you can read up in your own time.
Some of the pictures have expired or mutated into pornography because there is some unwritten law stating that everything on the internet will eventually evolve into pornography, which may or may not be the final and most highly evolved form of art in the space time continuum.

The space time continuum...

and innapropriate usage of a graphic containing handcuffs and the text "Child Pornography"... but the fact that you have got this far means that you already know this, if you haven't already been so discusted by the content of this blog that you've thrown your laptop out of the window and cut off your hands in order to be clensed of the discusting content. in which case, you are a silly silly bugger and a double loser because you not only have no lap top, but you're probably going to have to buy an even more expensive computer which works primarily on voice recognition because you have no hands because you have cut them both off. And even then the computer will probably go mental and kill you and all your shipmates who are on a mission to identify a mysterious rectangle floating thousands of miles above the planet Jupiter.

I've managed to fill up a lot of space with not very much, which is always a good sign.
Providing you have carried on reading and not removed limbs and destroyed your computer, then I'd like to thank you all for welcoming me back.