In my incredibly long time in the blogging world, I've noticed a few things about the traits of bloggers. For one thing, they are categorically hot. I speak of course mainly of myself, Hence the reason I rarely show photos of myself on here. I worry that both of the people reading this would gouge their own eyes out and set them on fire so that they never have their memories polluted by other sights.

Like something like this pic which I took from the internet.
Having always seen myself as a manaical nonsensical preacher which people habitually ignore (and why wouldn't they? The internet has lots of other great stuff on it like religious websites and pornography!) I find it very bizarre when anyone throws any attention at this cheeky little site (and its sister site Manmachine201's guide to music... checkitout!) which I mainly do through my own necessity so that I can sleep without these silly thoughts spinning round in my head.
I can see you are all itching for me to get to my point so I think I'll keep you all hanging a little bit longer...
Yeah, so thats me in a nutshell... Where was I? Oh yes... bloggers. Fucking hate almost all of them, self centred, trying to put their viewpoints across, trying to put a viewpoint across counter to their own actual viewpoint (in some cases) Telling us about what happened during their day, their week and their boring little lives.
I used to think like that, honestly I did, then I came across this.

Yeah! Its fucking weird isn't it Caroline! Now you know how it feels to get advertised on tinternet and stuff!
But it is also quite true that hers is the only blog I seem to read anymore. I find it so difficult to talk about events that occur in my life that I don't even try anymore, I simply pitt random things off against each other, intersperse it with comparisons to greek mythology and make penis jokes... which is why her blog is so great and actually makes me envious, angry and slightly hateful. I actually tried on numerous occasions to leave hurtful comments on her page out of jealousy but for some reason the internet knows she would say something quite cutting which would hurt my feelings and stops me. Which is nice of it I think.

"Thanks HAL." "Any time Manmachine201"
That there is someone who can talk about their own lives so intelligently and in a way which from time to time makes me laugh out loud as well as keeping it engaging is a rarity. What is rarer is someone who peppers their life story with opinions on why it would be rubbish dating rock legends and indie stars. What to do to get an Irish girl. (I always found speaking with an English accent was enough, but.) and how to deal with unruly children (a personal fave.)

Weapons of Mass Destruction.
I can describe the refreshing nature of this page until the cows come home, and in the current climate, they probably will, but instead, I'm just going to leave a link in the hope that anyone who reads this goes her way and enjoys it as much as I do.
So when I get back from my hols to see my traffic is raised and see that the source of this traffic is from my fave blog, I click to see whats going on. It turns out that we are mutual in our admiration for each other, which is good, so it is only right that I return the favour and write nice things about a fantastic writer, who wrote some nice things about me. This level of praise might make me sound sycophantic so I simply advise advise you to check
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