My dog has recently been demanding a lot of attention from me, this interupts the normal processes associated with blog writing. I used to have thoughts that I felt should be shared with the world, but since getting a puppy called Mylo a Chihuahua/Pug mix, my blog output has been reduced dramatically.
There is suprisingly little resentment from my part in my dogs stiffling of my creativity, mainly because the parts of my brain that deal with resentment are the same parts of my brain that are excited by the prospects of having any kind of relationship with a dog.
My dog has done some strange things in the few months that he has existed. Like growing a gandalf beard.
Yes, it looks strange but for some strange reason my Dog is very inspired by the look of famous figures like Charles Darwin, Santa Claus and Gandalf, from the book and subsequent Lord of the Rings movie franchise.

He has such a standing in the household that he genuinely thinks he is a human, and as such tries his best to behave like one. He has opinions on the composition of said blogs and so it is not unusual for me to be sitting writing a biting satirical piece on the collapse of global capitalism where Mylo might decide to jump on my lap and press the zx5uioubheiwjncfo /keys, just so he feels he has a valuable contribution. (Mylo did actually press those buttons recently, so I copy pasted them into a word file in the event that I might wish to use it in a blog at a later date, except he didn't do it while I was blogging but while I was furiously trying to reach 2000 words after blowing a deadline for an essay on Mungo Park's views on slavery and whether they were in line with enlightenment thought.)
Not only has Mylo had a dramatic effect on the quality of my blogs, but also on the quality on my scholarly output, where my average essay score has dropped from 75% to 65% so I would hazzard a guess that my blogs are at least 10% shitter. I'm not sure if Mylo himself would get 10% in his essays or how Mylo can be numerically valued at 10% whether positive or negative, because I am terrible at maths.
Ultimately these are things that distract me, me being the common denominator. I have identified the problems, but now begins the analysing comparing and contrasting data to try to formulate a plan to improve the concentration, level of detail and general conceptual understanding of stuff. And the only way to do that is to add lots of comedy graphs and pie charts and lock the dog outside.
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