Luis Guzman is a typical co-star, you wouldn't consider giving him a leading role because he is not Robert Pattinson and has developped a bit of a reputation as a man who can't be trusted after playing a turncoat in Carlitos way. If Harrison Ford played someone not trustworthy then he would be forgiven by the next film because he is Harrison Ford, he played Han Solo and Indiana Jones, an archytypal American Hero Whereas Guzman looks a bit shifty and never got the role of Indiana Jones.
People dont often believe me when I tell them that Luis Guzman was the co-star in my play, but it is true. Luis Guzman of films such as Carlitos Way and Magnolia, and TV series such as Oz and New York Undercover, was actually the person who nudged me to let me know I had missed my marker.
This was the face he was pulling...

A face that says, "dude, you've just missed your cue."
Funnily enough there are people who could constantly leave you feeling like you have missed your cue.

The many faces of Roman Abramovic.
Funnily enough Roman was also one of the 9 drummers drumming. That sounds even harder to believe giving the age difference and the fact that Abramovic was brought up in Communist Russia, but Roman was involved in a student exchange programme leading him to be at the same school as me for a few weeks thus becoming one of the 9 drummers drumming.
Another person who many have trouble trusting is Tony Blair the former Prime Minister, perhaps a politician who became addicted to war. Perhaps he told lies to get us into a long war of attrician with several muslim states, maybe he lied about killing advisors of the government, we'll probably never know.

Maybe at my next school reunion I'll ask him, because, yes, you've guessed it. Blair was another one of the 9 drummers drumming.
The more cynical amongst you may even accuse me of making up this story because I've found a load of pictures of people that only half smile in certain pictures after accidentally coming across a picture of luis Guzman with an ambiguous facial expression, you might say what next Mona Lisa is one of the 9 drummers drumming?
Well strangely enough, in spite of your cynicism, and the fact that it becomes beyond the realm of probablility, Yes the Mona Lisa was yet another of the 9 drummers drumming, and she turned to me as I missed my cue and she pulled this face...

It was a little bit scary to be honest to find myself with these various people who would eventually take various positions in society, be it actor or politician, or back street abortionist, and here was me missing my cue.
Of course Brian Epstein and the Beatles were the other 5 of the 9 drummers drumming.

What I am trying to say is that sometimes we are all Luis Guzman, and even at a pinch we can be the other people mentioned in this blog. Sometimes, we start with the idea about doing a guide to being an uncle and get so sidetracked by the idea of Luis Guzman that we get really confused to the point where we can't find our trail of thought and end up harping on about that day when we fluffed a line in a school play... ah well. ho hum.
There are other occasions where we are the ones that seem to have missed our cue. The only thing we can do in this situation is that we make sure we have enough money in our account to afford bus fare to a job interview, or at least to ask Paul if you can join his band, or ask Tony Blair if we can fuck up some small nation so that we can line our pockets, but we do miss our cues. The best thing to do is to roll with the punches, try to look out for the next opportunity and most importantly Smile for the cameras.

Or Don't.
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