
Monday 30 May 2011

Manmachine201 on belief.

I have until recently been subject of a Superinjunction preventing me from existing on the internet, as I was mistaken for 'details of an affair between a married premiership footballer and former big brother former Big Brother contestant Imogen Thomas.'

If I were a crude man I'd say something like "That lollypop and Ryan Gigg's Barbed cat penis, have something in common." but I'm a gentleman.

I could not even protest my innocence as by doing so I would have been breaking a superinjunction and therefore breaking the law, and since kidnapping missing todler Madeline McCann, I've been trying to keep a low profile.

You may or may not believe the things I've said but all of this only goes to nail home the point I had initially indended on making before revealing the fact that I was mistaken for a newspaper headline, and that I make jokes about abducting and possibly raping and killing toddlers, and that is that belief is a subjective thing.

For example if you were to ask Moses if he believed that "I can't believe its not butter is made from butter is made from Butter, he would say "yes, because the packaging on the front tells me so."

If you asked evolution scientist and commited atheist Richard Dawkins whether he believed I can't believe its not butter was not butter, he would probably say, the evidence from the packaging that it is not butter but a butterlike spread made from buttermilk." but that is exactly the kind of comment that one has grown to expect from a man who is followed everywhere he goes by a (bakers) dozen floating swastikas.

Initially I found the swastikas tasteless but after some further research I discovered that the swastikas are a result of an illness where because he says he doesn't believe god exists, people who don't like his opinion photoshop swastika's on his pictures and post them online for people like me to hotlink and work in to a blog about belief in order to further delay the actual point that has bothered me recently about belief. Of course, Nazism, the philosophy that lies behind the symbolism of the swastika has a very definate set of beliefs attached to them, which I have talked about to death and am only mentioning to further delay the point I want to make to do with belief.

Leaving aside any issues of whether God or a multiple amount of gods exist or not, there has been a lot of talk about the Rapture recently.

Great track, shit vinyl sleeve, perjaps they were talking about a different rapture.

Great track, equally shit album cover...

It seems that any mention or representation of rapture on an album cover is going to be shit...

Okay, so I quite like the cover of this one, its pretty simple, and it helps that its a cracking piece of prog rock...

All of these depictions and abstract thoughts on the end of the world were due to come into fruition on May 21st according to Harold Camping, former Engineer turned evangelist, the man had raised millions and ploughed it into TV, billboard advertising radio stations and internet type stuff. He amassed thousands of followers who prompty sold their posessions and prepared for their ascent.

It was no doubt going to look like this.

It is easy to laugh, there have been many comments from journalists and comedians all making fun at the expense of newly bankrupted people who mistakenly believed that the mathematical equasions Camping had equated.

Newspaper headlines have been as diverse as "Apocalypse Not Now"- Africa Today and "Not the End of the World"- Daily Mail (that one was shit), and Frankie Boyle cut off the head of a christian child and fucked its eye socket in front of a laughing crowd at a recent gig in Milton Keynes for a joke.

There is obviously a large group of people who made a mistake. People who are now bankrupt after giving up all their worthy posesions in the mistaken belief that they would stand a better chance of getting them to heaven, who knows, maybe it will, God certainly likes to test people according to the book of Job. Even if we dont believe in all that god stuff, we shouldn't really laugh at these people, would we have laughed at the children of the doomsday cult that were burnt to death in the compound of Waco in Texas all those years ago?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! look at the stupid Christians burning they think they're going to heaven well they're not, because there probably isn't a heaven, this was their only chance and they've fucked it!!

Initially I started writing that as if I was someone else who thought the Waco massacre was funny, but as I typed it I came to realize that there is a certain irony in it after all, so what if there were children in there, they would have mostly grown up to be wonky eyed hick jesus freaks anyway, so fuck em.

The sooner God comes down to take this one away the better.

I started this with the intention of chastising smug aethists who have revelled far too much in an event which has metaphorically ended the world of the people who put their trust and faith in Camping. But the more I write the more I think I don't actually care either way, which mirrors where I stand on the belief scale. so there.

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