1. People seem to think that they have a licence to write any ill informed half baked ideas simply to shock and the majority of them fail because they are so contrived.
2. Once written there is no moderation at least to vet the quality of the content if not the actual subject matter.
3. There is a lot of porn on the internet.
The 3rd one isn't actually related to the first points but is nevertheless true.
I got a lot of stick for the previous blog, mainly from myself because it was truly absolutely awful and no one else reads them. The blog was poor for 3 reasons.
1. It was rushed.
2. It was poorly researched, at the time of the writing, Moat was actually cornered in a standoff with the police live on News 24. I'd have loved to have watched it but was too lazy to do any meaningful research which would have taken me to probably what would have been more fruitful material for a blog.
3. I was only half concentrating because I was also surfing for porn on the internet.
Again, the 3rd one has little to do with the subject we are discussing, and besides, most of the blogs I write are interupted routinely by visits to porn websites, whichsh ish why I have a stickky keyboard whish causess typos.

Although I should put my hands up and take full responsibility I have to concede that a lot of this is to do with my upbringing.
For example, when I was a child, my Grandmother used to squash black people in a flower press and use them as bookmarks, she sould claim it was her contribution to the war effort. When I was old enough to realize there was no war I explained to her that World War II finished in 1945. She countered, "not World War 2 silly! This is me doing my part for the race war!

My dear ol' nan.
Obviously her behaviour has had a dramatic effect on my personality. For example, I would think nothing of using a dead relative in a bizarrely constructed yet obvious lie, making up a story painting her as a racist just to add distance to a stupid yet racist idea that I once had, This is the sort of thing that
1. A complete sociopath would do
2. someone with very little respect for his or her family would do.
3. wouldn't happen if people were more openly accepting of internet pornography. Infact, I'm going to take 5 minutes to look at some grot...
Thats better.
Unfortunately there is no real method to indicate the passage of time in blog format, so I will ask you to envisage the hands of a clock whizzing round really really fast. Or if that fails imagine me doubled over in front of a screen having a furious tussle with myself.

A bit like that except wanking instead of dead.
If you are finding this crude I would ask you to take into consideration the fact that it is because of my upbringing. When I was a child I bumped into a man who was dressed exactly like a giant penis, except that he had 2 arms 2 legs a face a mouth a nose a torso and a red suit a sack and white beard.
When I was 10 my parents convinced me that Penis's didn't exist and I spent most of my adolescance thinking everyone was a girl.
This brings me up to where I we are now. Ironically there are lots of people who would blame their current lives on their upbringing, its an easy thing to do, after all everything we soak up as children has a huge effect on their worldview once they have grown up.
For example, when I was 3 my parents mistakenly thought that I was gifted and enrolled my in an advanced business school, where I learnt business speak and how to translate it, before I was even fully proficient in basic english and maths. To demonstrate this I will untangle some business jargon for you.
1. 'Blue Sky Thinking'- (trans) 'I am a cunt'.
2. 'Thinking Outside the Box'- (trans) 'I am a total cunt'
3. 'cutting edge'- (trans) 'I am a complete and utter fucking cunt'
This has taken me a long way, making me the CEO of a huge oil company by the time I was 5. although I was not environmental enough so I was ousted to be replaced by a Tony Hayward, who had solar panels installed in his home to try to boost his green credentials, a move not seen since Josef Stalin started giving £3 a month to Amnesty international.

yes he was taking the piss.
Another example is the smacking debate, a worrying statistic among children is that 80% of children who are smacked as a means of discipline end up wearing these stupid hand things at sporting events.

or even on the internet. and can manifest itself from a young age.
Maybe the reason why Raouououal Moat turned out the way he is was because of his parents, after all in a recent quote she was quoted in a quote as saying: "You're better off dead, son."
Which is charming. I think the fact that his anger and meltdown is probably because of his upbrining, we should dislodge the bullet from him, and rebuild him in a robocop stylee and let him roam the land avenging jilted boyfriends everywhere, maybe even surgically attaching a shotgun to his arm so he can randomly shoot police in the face too.
Other people who should be exhonerated for their crimes due to a poor upbringing are
1. Thatcher
2. Bin Laden
3. Martin Luther
4. Martin Luther King.
5. King Charles I
6. Charles Manson
7. Jesus Christ
8. Any other people who might cause offence if added to this list, whether it be the pope, David Icke, or that volcano that cuased lots of disruption earlier in the year.
Yeah, that list was well edgy and provocative, and I am not sorry if it offended you, my actions have nothing to do with me, it was all because of the way that I was raised and I have no power over what I write, so fuck yourselves up your faces. I can't apologise for that either even though it was a bit nasty.
You will just have to be patient with me because I was raised a way which makes me a compulsive liar, masturbator and provocateur, although to be honest, there was no excuse for that Raoael Moat blog, it was fucking terrible.
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