(I have recently learned that an effective method of introducing a side note in a blog format is to bracket the sidenote, I am so enthrawled with this new technique that I shall be using it as often as I can because I often have a lot of slightly offpoint things to say which are also in my mind very important and therefore brackets can and will be a useful tool for me.)
So yeah, no more human trafic, which is good because it was a shit film anyway.

It was a shit film which unwittingly launched the career of Danny fucking Dyer.

Danny 'fa'in' Dwah 'avin a nice cuppa tee.
Danny Dyer is the lead actor in films such as: the football factory, the business, Pimp, dead men running, city rats, the all together and other oscar contenders.
Of course, the film human traffic and the actual trafficing of humans are not one and the same, although both of them are pretty shit, although one of them does at the very least, allow fat ugly men, to have sex with eastern european women.
Unfortunately the petition in question was actually to put an end to the film and not the actual llegal movement of people with the intent of fueling prostitution so that was an oportunity wasted.
It would be better if these petitions actually set out to eradicate actual problems like the resession, or a lack of air conditioning on the tube.
So where do we go from here? I reckon we should start by starting a petition to end human trafficing and air conditioning on the tube (as well as a campaign to have more brackets introduced into everyday conversation) (and to get Danny Dyer completely out of public life all together so that he is nothing more than a distant memory...) who's with me?

Just me then?
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