Trotskyism is the theory of Marxism as advocated by Leon Trotsky. Trotsky considered himself an orthodox Marxist and Bolshevik-Leninist, which included his support for the establishment of a vanguard party of the working-class. His politics differed sharply from those of Stalinism, most prominently in opposing Socialism in One Country, which he argued was a break with proletarian internationalism, and in his belief in what he argued was a more authentic dictatorship of the proletariat based on working-class self-emancipation and mass democracy, rather than the unaccountable bureaucracy he saw as having developed after Lenin's death.
The BBC has culturally enriched my life, it introduced me to Puccini when I was 10 years old, during Italia 90. It has subversively dragged a bunch of hippies out of the drugged up UFO club in the 60s at the height of the acid revolution, to play a backing track as Neil Armstrong and co were beamed into millions of British homes (Pink Floyd.) and something else, because I am aware that kind of statement deserves a rule of three but I have actually edited this bit in after lots of writing and don't want to do any more research into the groundbreaking nature of the Beeb.
In a world where opinion is often confused with fact I have felt I have had a reasonably balanced view from the Auntie. In fact I would go as far as to say is that she is less of an Auntie and more of a second mother, she used to put on Thundercats for me when I was a child, she would be my bed time when the 9 o Clock news started. I was freaked out by the BBC testcard, like most british children at the time.

Recently, the Beeb has come under scrutiny for being too left leaning, unbalanced and having a secret socialist agenda, which sounds a bit similar to the theories of Adolf Hitler, except these views are not coming from the far right, they are coming from the heart of modern society: a Daily Telegraph blog The daily mail and an MP Ian Bowler, all refer to the BBC as Trotskyists. Entire blogs like Biassed BBC accuse the BBC of being pro labour, pro immigration and anti Israel.
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Recent footage from a BBC board meeting. |
If they were they would probably be subliminally pumping left wing propagandha through their most watched shows in order to brainwash the masses. The only way to examine the truth behind this claim is to look at these shows.
Lets start with Top Gear.
The presenters of the show are, for the most part, members of the 'Chipping-Norton Circle', Clarkson is notoriously conservative, so, for that matter is David Cameron, with him being the leader and what-not.
The programme consistantly denies climate change is occuring or to do with big petrol guzzling engines. Not a good start. The presenters poke fun at Mexicans, Germans, gays and the disabled. Simply by surviving a broken neck and regaining full use of his body, the mere presence of Richard Hammond is a slur to all disabled people. Not very Trotskyist at all.
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I was looking for a pic of Brooks Clarkson and Cameron together, but could only find one of Cameron and Brooks with Alex James from Blur looking embarrassed to be caught in a picture with David and Jeremy. |
Right wing accusers 0-BBC...erm... 1.
Next up is Eastenders. There is an argument here. The more well to do characters in the programme Phil Mitchell, Ian Beale, Janine Butcher are the wealthist people in Walford, all of them are dispicable characters, the ones that have a marxist kind of community spirit are the most sympathetic characters. Just count how many people have lived in Pat Butchers home even though they are not related to her, the same with Dot Cotton's penchant for taking strays under her wing. There is an underlying Marxism about eastenders so we will say 1-1 so far.
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Paintbrush master, and don't you forget it... does it look more like Soprano's than Che? |
Next up, we compare ITV commercial vehichle X-factor to the BBC version, The Voice. In X-Factor, crowds of people descend upon people who are generally mentally ill, bullying and ridiculing them, often, not least portraying them as stupid, ugly and hopeless, which often they are, but surely we would want to help these people and not point and laugh and throw things. The voice doesn't televise the vetting process, sparing these peoples embarrasment on national TV and adds an extra dimension of not letting the judges see their faces to avoid pre-judging the contestants before they sing. The voice certainly lacks the elitism that the X-factor thrives on.
2-1 to the Marxist conspiracy theorists, can the Beeb pull it back in the final 10 minutes.
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Go on Beeb... You can do it! |
Coverage of the hacking scandal is the final point, the BBC jumped on the News international scandal with relish. An unashamed attack on big business, the government and the police... well, at least that is one way of looking at it. The other is that the Beeb, after years of being bashed about by Murdoch and co's media machine (this, this and Richard fucking littlejohn are all examples) The Beeb finally had enough and launched a fullscale war and very damaging war on the shady dealings of print journalism. This war cost News

All this aside, the BBC is left leaning at the very least, and as such my viewpoint, having been shaped by the BBC is probably all screwed up, it is for that reason that I am probably going to have to check in to a re-allignment clinic to try to cure me of being a horrible pinko bastard.

Dirty leftist bastards, I'm off to buy my copy of the Daily Mail to reassign myself.
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