
Sunday 13 May 2012

Mayoral Election? Aint Nobody got Time fo' Dat.

The dust has settled on the London Mayoral election, the battle may have seemed to be about personalities, on the one side, Bolshie Ken Livingstone, the less upper class competitor in the battle, and the least less upper class one Boris Johnson. Anyone who ever listened in school to the teacher that corrected a semi literate child will notice that I just used a double negative.

This means that Boris Johnson is more posh than Livingstone, but this ain't no pissing contest. The best person to run London, does not necessarily have to be more or less posh to have the credentials.

One of the most important things about this elections is not the pitching the man behind the Bendy Bus against the man who popularized the Boris Bike. Only 12% of the population of London voted. Boris Johnson believes that for a strike to be official 50% of a union needs to vote. If this is the case then he can't believe that his tenure as London Mayor is valid. Just saying.

What does this low turnout for the election say about Britain? How can we tow the line for a mayor that wasn't voted in by an actual majority? Is there a third rhetorical question I can ask to make up the rule of three? lets find out.

Well, usually a low turnout indicates that the population have lost faith in the government, this is what happened in Germany which led to Hitler getting into power, don't get me wrong, I am not saying that Boris Johnson is Hitler, although he does look a bit like a mutant version of an Aryan.

However, 'Hitler' is exactly how Livingstone described Johnson when he stated: "It's a simple choice between good and evil. I don't think it has been so clear since the great struggle between Churchill and Hitler... Those who don't vote for me will be weighed in the balance come Judgment Day. The Archangel Gabriel will say, 'You didn't vote for Ken Livingstone in 2012. Oh dear, burn for ever. Your skin flayed for all eternity"

So essentially, Hitler is now in power in London.

But back to the questions... what could have made the public so disenfranchised that the majority never bothered going to the polls?

Probably the fact that it is more evident than ever that the government are putting the interests of big business before the needs of the electorate.

News International's push to get the conservatives into power shows us three things, as does the picture above of David Cameron, Rebbekah Brooks and a horse. It shows us that:
  •  News International have immense power over the British public
  • News International felt that a tory government would have benefited them more than a Labour government.
  • And that the British public are fucking idiots, which we will compare to David Cameron in the picture and not the horse in the above picture.
So as in those elections, the London Mayoral election, although having several candidates, we were left with the choice of the cunt in the red tie, or the cunt in the blue tie. Both of whom would have probably had little choice but to cosy up to big business in order to keep their companies trading from London and thus keep unemployment reasonably low, and keep the tax revenue coming in. The previous government took the drastic step of buying several banks which the current government gave back to them at a massive loss. Of course, this is our fault, because we voted these people in. Neither government is accountable because they believed they were acting in the best interests of the electorate at the time that the decisions were made.

Now of course there is this austerity thingy going on, we are now in what the pundits are calling a double dip recession. Hurrah! I don't know what this means but what I do know is who the government is blaming for it, and that is the previous government. The Previous government in turn are blaming the current government. So where is the money?

Not there...

...Nope not there either.

That's an expensive looking building...

While we are being hit with pay freezes, tax hikes and benefits being slashed, the banking industry is celebrating 'record profits'. It says it in the news and everything, and if it says it in the news, it must be true.

Yes, thats the Sun newspaper accusing bankers of moral bankruptcy, in other news, a pot is on trial for making racist comments about a kettle, calling it 'black'.

Of course, this is all getting very very political, and the only time I generally get a large number of hits on this page is when I put pictures of herpes ridden penis's on here...

So here goes...


We are waking up to the cold hard reality that our government are slippery fuckers, they have and still are making us pay for their mistakes. They congratulate themselves on putting rental bikes outside tube stations, and vilify the bendy bus, because that is what is important to people in London, being able to get to work so we can work for these large businesses making us all so desperately unhappy.

But Hey! at least we have a mayor with a comedy haircut to keep us distracted until the six weeks holidays when the kids will no doubt take to the streets and loot JD sports and PC world. There is a rather large part of me that wants to go out and join them out of sheer frustration.

So to sum up, Boris Johnson probably isn't Hitler; scrapping 5000 bendy busses is not the same as the attempted anihilation of European jewry, but he is a twat, just like Livingstone.

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