I was on the train as usual. My life seems to be mostly on trains, and when I'm not I dream of them, that they are taking me to a better place where we all laugh together. So, As I got off the train I heard a boisterous booming voice saying "Wheeeeeeey!"
I shuddered, hoping it wasn't aimed at me. again, "Wheeeeeeeeeeeeey!" This time every muscle in my body tensed up and the bile in my stomach rose as my fists clenched. The cry lasted longer this time, by about 3 seconds. I was determined not to turn around as I wanted to avoid confrontation, I am not as people friendly as I often pretend to be but I am not a huge fan of confrontation either. This time as the third yelp came, a hand touched my shoulder and I almost instinctively felt the need to turn and land a punch square on the jaw of the antagonist.
I turned to face the agressor only to find I was in my parents living room and it was actually my gran, drunk on vinager and scotch (her favourite tipple) encouraging me to feel festive.

Vinagar, scotch and a massive bong.
Now of course, none of this happened. My gran died years ago when her arse exploded, as both of you might remember. But it all illustrates the point that New Years eve is not fun... what other time of year would make you fantasize over smashing your own dead gran in the face?
She did wear strange makeup.
So what do we have to look forward to in 2010? The cutty sark relaunches, which will be nice. Obviously it wont be used for what it was originally designed to do. Whcih was to get Tea from China in the quickest possible time... So thats goint to be an ultimately pointless venture. I'm all for burning it down again on the day they unveil it.

Half of you don't even know what the cutty sark is, you fools!
Actually I'm sorry for typing that. One of my new years resoltions is to not alienate either of the people who read this...
So onto resolutions. Many people choose the new year to change the way they live in the form of a resolution. "eat healthier, excercise more and save for an apple mac", "Quiting bad habits and gathering more money", etc... most of the time people give up on their resolutions by jan 2nd. Which is fair enough, most of them are just rubbish anyway.
But some are heartwarming, such as this one... "I resolve never to fantasize about hitting my dead gran in the face anymore."
How sweet.

Happy new year fuck buckets.
I'm sure you don't need to save my feelings...Being American affords me the pleasure of being quite stupid about pretty much everything. So if you were to offend me I'm positive I would never know.
ReplyDeleteI'll keep that in mind. Although I have been to america, and they are clever fuckers. they can empty your wallet in seconds just by implying they expect a tip. and us with our stuttering hugh grant demeanor are too scared to offend. I accidentally tipped a vegas waitress $50 because I assumed that was the going rate.
ReplyDelete...she didn't even give me any sex in return