
Monday 31 May 2010

Manmachine201's uneasy guide to Semitism vs Anti-semitism (completely revised)

There are two types of people in this world, those who love marmite and those who hate it. Israel is like international diplomacy's version of marmite. they are similar in many ways. Like Marmate, you can spread Israel on toast, boil it with an ample amount of water to make a stock which you can use to make soups and gravy. It is also quite a divisive nation in terms of what it does to opinion. it is also quite devisive in terms of what it does to palestinians, so I guess I have qualified the statement that Israel is a bit like Marmite. Also like marmite, it leaves a bitter aftertaste. Although I've never actually eaten Israel, I have only eaten marmite I thought that it would make a good analogy so I went with it, and I'm still going. Still.

Israel, like marmite, but smellier.

In the recent 75 years since its inception Israel has come under scrutiny from certain anti-semetic pockets of society because of their record of human rights abuses.

And too fucking right! Would a baby be waving a flag like that? or is that Palestinian a midgit terrorist?

Okay, so maybe it isn't right to kill babies whether they are Palestinian or not and according to twitter and facebook friends it is also not cool to attack a flotilla containing aid.

At this point I felt the need to edit the previous blog post I posted , it was becoming all self righteous and violently twatty. I can't profess to be upset about what Israel has done and this is the reason... on my way to my destination today I was accosted by a charity fundraiser, you know the type...

Personally, I don't think there are enough landmines. my all time favourite answer to the question "could you spare a few seconds for the victims of landmines?" I was there and saw the look of discust, and I jerked off over that look for years.

So, this charity worker came up to me and asked if I could... I took the pen from his top pocket and stabbed him in the neck several times, he hit the floor and bled out,it was all very sad. I almost cried.

When the police questioned me after the susequent arrest, I explained to them that I was actually the country Israel, and that I was acting in the interests of my national security. They accepted that and the next day I was out of custody and it was all brushed under the carpet,Tony Blair said it was regretable but didn't go as far to condemn me. "Don't go killing anyone on boats for shits and giggles." They said

When I got out, I decided to create a fraudulent passport, travel to Dubai ( I hear they are pretty tolerant over there.) and killed some arab guy who was onn holiday. I was arrested and and questioned but I just told them that I was Israel and that I was acting in the interests of national security, they told me I shouldn't do it but let me go and told me not to do it again. "Don't go killing anyone on boats."They said again, when am I going to listen?

Shit, I'm starting to think I can get away with anything I want.

I'm just going to post this flag on my blog and I'll be all good. fuck you arabs!

Well Political.

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