I took a rather long train journey from London Bridge going to Felixtow, it passed through Lewisham, Leamington, Farringdon, Farrington, Flarrington, Farmington, farrrringtonf, Frrrreff, FFFFfffffffFt, fff and F.
Between all of these stops the buildings were adourned with St Georges Crosses this alerted me to how many innocent people are going to be arrested and probably put in some special court to be held in Neurenburg back in 1945 to face trial for genocide and things like that, all because they adourned a st George Cross.

"It wasn't me guv honest, I was involved in the extermination of 6 million jews but I wouldn't fly a St Georges Cross... Thats racist!"

Soon, this will be punishable by death.
I suddenly realized that I must rise to lead the people in a rebelion against the banning of the St Georges Cross. After all we are only a month away from the world cup, what next? not alowed to wear England shirts? England shorts getting banned? What about england socks?

Soon even these will be even more Illegal than Mephodrone.
I'm sio engry myspealing iss ditreorating... I need a minute...
Yes! Rebellion against the establishment who are making it illegal to celebrate our heritage. I have joined the facebook group "if you dont like are flag then fuk off bak 2 ur own cuntry" and "You hate our flag but love our benefits" and "Fwar kwar immigrants innit?" In fact there are lots of these pages and over 100 people joined to each page... enough to start a revolution.
okay, so maybe not a revolution but at least one of those stupid gatherings where people hold up banners in trafalgar square...

Say what you want about the Muslims, they know how to protest.
So I have organised a riot type thing for central London underneath Lord Nelson, who is a british hero because he scored the winning goal in the world cup or something. We're gonna smash stuff and shout chants about how britian isn't britain anymore. its... erm... something else. Shitain thats it, Great Shitain, because we can't celebrate who we are.
Then it occured to me in some kind of eureka moment, that nationalism is just a method of controling people, in the same way that religion was used as a method of control, when I say it just occured to me, I had an inkling long before I started writing this blog, but didn't mention it for effect. Nationalism was in fact used to create and sustain the concert of europe at a point where religion was losing its grip on society. I could go deeper into it but I can't be bothered Edward Said's essay on orientalism touches on all the points and explains the construct of a foreign enemy as a method of banding together a group of people who otherwise probably have very little in common... try getting on a train in central london in the rush hour. London the capital city of INNNNGEEERLAAAAAND.

Just a group of people with nothing in common apart from the regurgitated air they are all breathing in and out of each others lungs and the copies of the Daily Mail expressing their outrage over the fact that the English flag is banned from our own skys. It Beggar Belief. You Couldn't Make It Up... E T fucking C.
On St Patricks Day everyone becomes Irish because they don't have the guts to celebrate St Georges Day and then they fucking moan about it for the rest of the year. They can't even make the leap that by removing catholicism from the english way of life during the reformation, we forfeited the celebration of saints. So Fuck off.
anyway, its at about this point that I switch back to Patriotic Manmachine201 and call for some form of uprising against our nation because they are not national enough. It turns out that all the news reports about crackdowns on the flags were simply a hoax because of a slow news day. Hurrah!

So no doubt half the nation are going to be going around looking like this cunt this summer...

The other half will no doubt be dressed like this.
just checked google and it has a pacman game in the logo. the ghosts look like the burkha people in this blog. no offence. obviously.