Is this a still from a porn film?
It is still a touchy subject after 9 years certainly with the media if not with the relatives of those who have died because they have remarried if their husbands have died or spawned more children if it was one of their progeny who perished in the attacks, so no one is really upset about it anymore, apart from the media, and even they only seem to care about it on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks every year on September 11th. Strangely, enough time has passed so that people in Britain and Europe are not quite sure of the date of the 9/11 attacks and often get confused, mistaking November 9th as the day of the 9/11 attacks... and it would be a fair mistake to make because Americans, it is widely accepted do their dates the wrong way round, because they are so desperate to be different from the English in spite of speaking their language and evolving from them.

Or not.
In spite of confusion about the date of the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks Someone who has remembered the correct date is the Pastor Terry Jones.

...so thats... erm... Pastor

And Terry Jones from Monty Python
Not to be confused with book burning Christian Maniac Terry Jones.

Only in America.
Jones seemed intent on Celebrating the anniversary of 9/11 by burning 100 copies of the Qu'ran which is a novel way to celebrate. Muslim retaliation promises to be swift and Brutal with Osama Bin Laden threatening to burn 100 copies of facebook.

"Start spreadin' tha newwwws I'm leaving todayyyyyy"
In the fallout of 9/11 the west were forced to ask many questions, like who turned off all the machines at air traffic control? and how do you rebuild the world trade centre. Time has answered that question, don't. Just leave a massive hole in the centre of New York city and set up lots of market Stalls selling tat around it, which is a novel way of capitalizing on the most dreadful terrorist attack of modern times.

However threatening the cheap tacky market stalls are under threat of a second attack from Islam for this very reason...
In the leadup to this anniversary there has been plenty of controversy a full 9 years after the event that reshaped world conflict with Muslims planning to build a mosque out of the rubble of the world trade centre and using the bones of the victims as window fittings and the tears of the relatives of the victims filling all the water dispensers and any other things you might imagine that might offend the sensibilities of the American right wing.
In the leadup to this anniversary there has been plenty of controversy a full 9 years after the event that reshaped world conflict with Muslims planning to build a mosque out of the rubble of the world trade centre and using the bones of the victims as window fittings and the tears of the relatives of the victims filling all the water dispensers and any other things you might imagine that might offend the sensibilities of the American right wing.
In the leadup to this anniversary there has been plenty of controversy a full 9 years after the event that reshaped world conflict with Muslims planning to build a mosque out of the rubble of the world trade centre and using the bones of the victims as window fittings and the tears of the relatives of the victims filling all the water dispensers and any other things you might imagine that might offend the sensibilities of the American right wing.

Because thats what the last 3 paragraphs are metaphorically kind of like in a way.
And it wasn't a mistake either, everything there is possibly to say about september 11th has been said a million billion times, which makes it very difficult to blog about. Too difficult in fact.
I am aware that this. So to avoid getting trapped in some bizarre cross between Groundhog day and the Siege starring Denzel Washington, I propose an alternative to tacky market stalls and a mosque on ground zero (even though the actual mosque is to be built several blocks away completely out of site of the hole where the twin towers used to be...) Why not build a massive wrestling ring where the religions can all fight it out to see who the best is. New Yorks Madison Square Garden has hosted some of the greatest fights ion history. I myself had a fight with a tramp in New York over a pretzel, it was shown on ESPN 19 and lasted 37 rounds but eventually, with a little help from fellow Jihadi's we destroyed the tramp and danced on his carcus in the true spirit of unity. In this spirit I suggest a new venue where the ultimate battle can be fought to see which religion is the best.
Alternatively get superman to substitute for Jesus because he'd probably have a better chance of Beating Mohammed, unless those Pesky Muslims smuggle kryptonite through airport security.
Like this epic war against islamic fundementalism, this blog is almost entirely pointless although to be fair I have read a blog reviewing supermarket cheesecakes today so at least I've had a go at tackling some of the issues if not all.

This cheesecake image is dedicated to the memory of those who lost their lives in 9/11.
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