
Wednesday 22 June 2011

At the end of the day.

Do you have trouble articulating yourself? have you ever found yourself in the middle of a debate and can't think of a way to end the current point that you are trying to make?

If so, I have the solution to your problem, a basic set of words which you will bw able to use to close an argument, to buy yourself more time when trying to process thoughts in the middle of conversation, make you seem more worldly, wiser and therefore more appealing to the opposite sex. the words I speak of are "At the end of the day."

As you can see you can use it as many times as you want in a conversation and the absolute best thing about it is that it never gets tired EVER
The use of the word- you might think- could be problematic, afterall if you have to resort to delay tactics in conversation, would you even be able to remember this set of words?

Don't fear, I will give you a step by step guide to remembering these words and integrating them into your everyday vocabulary.


Start by writing down the words, and write them down in the correct order! Failure to do so could leave you following the next steps and ultimately facing ridicule in everyday conversation and debate. (1)AT- (2)THE- (3)END- (4)OF- (5)THE-
(6)DAY. Don't worry too much about what it means because it will only confuse you and lead to mistakes later on.


Practice it! insert it at the beginning of points that you are trying to make. There is not really much point in saying it at the end of a conversation, as its prime purpose is to buy you a bit of time before you make your point. You can say it at the end of a sentence, using it as a kind of figurative fullstop.


The first time you use this phrase there are specific breathing techniques that you need to use to make sure you get it right, not useing these techniques could lead to embarasment, mental and physical debilitating illnesses such as HIV, Ebola, Leporacy and becoming a leopard.

Or other animals.


Use it, you have now mastered an important rhetorical tool.

Socrates, having being sentenced to death, with Hemlock in hand (a poison used to execute the guilty.) Socrates, was said to have said. "At the end of the day, I basically don't see why I should have to drink this shit." (Plato, 480-481)

This brings me on to another string to add to your metaphorical bow. BASICALLY

Basilcally can be used at the beginning middle or end of sentences.

eg. At the end of the day I don't see why I should apologise BASICALLY.
At the end of the day I BASICALLY don't see why I should apologise.
At the end of the day I don't see why I should BASICALLY apologise.
At the end of the day I don't BASICALLY see why I should apologise.

Use the previous step by step guide to incorporate it into your vocabulary.

Once you have spent several hours mastering this you can replace AT THE END OF THE DAY with When all is said and done.

Again, use the previous step by step guide removing at the end of the day and adding WHEN ALL's SAID AND DONE

You are now very clever and can fill up your vacuous sentences with even more meaningless waffle, well done.

Tomorrow, you will learn about basic cooking skills like pouring cerial, making orange juice and what to do when your body has digested said food and taken all its nutrients.

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